Hjerte strikka i lingarn.
Scarlett frå Permin.
Brukte pinne nr 3.
Kjekt å bruke restegarn å lage slike små søte hjerter.
Dobbelt garn noko som eg synest er fint å eksperementere med.
Alpaca silk frå Rauma og Inca alpakka frå Rauma
Her er min lille prodksjon til no,
Blir nok fleire, ditta er kjekt.
Du finner mykje hjertelig inspirasjon i denne fine boka.
Kan kjøpes i Ullkroken.
Grunnoppskrifta finner du også i julebladet til Allers.
2 kommentarer:
Hi Ingun, wow how beatifull and sweet hearths have you made! And the colours, they are so warm. I have done some crocheted hearts last year, you can find them here: http://nuppuhome.blogspot.fi/search/label/Koristeet%3A%20virkatut%20syd%C3%A4met.
Do you have any idea how could I get the Med hjerte for strikk - book to Finland? Can I bye it from some netbutik or can you send it to me or should my husband come to your shop next time when he is on the business trip to Akeryards in Stord? What would be the best idea?
Have a nice week, regards Riitta
Hi Ingun, I will get the book today evening when my husband travels home from Oslo. He said it was the last book in one big bookshop there in Oslo. Thank you for the copy also :-) Let's see can I understand nothing from the text, but at least there are beaatifull pictures and nice idees. Have a nice weekend.
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